RQM Tutorial
Welcome to online learning at RQM! We’re really excited to see you here.
At RQM Tutorial, our goal has always been to make education accessible to all. Over the past few years, we’ve tried to knock down every possible barrier (price: we have the most affordable prices in the industry; and space: we’ve at least doubled the square footage of our centers in recent years). Now we’re excited to knock down yet another barrier: location. With the launch of this online platform, RQM students will be able to receive unparalleled online instruction from wherever they reside.
It is our promise that all of our online sessions will be eye-opening and not only thoroughly educational but also fun and engaging. We’re committed to ensuring that all of our students enjoy their time online with us. Please feel free to look through our site and read up about all of the features.

Live Interactive Lessons
We’re utilizing some of the most premier live streaming technology to broadcast interactive sessions to our students. We’re proud to have made significant investments in both software and hardware to ensure that RQM kids will have crystal-clear video and audio as well as a state-of-the-art online learning experience — only the best for our kids.

Pre-Recorded Content
Sometimes it’s awkward to ask an instructor to repeat (him/her)self over and over. With our pre-recorded videos, you won’t have to: you can just rewind the progress bar and watch the lesson as many times as you have to in order to fully comprehend the elements that are being explained. Learning happens when no one’s watching, which is why we have developed pre-recorded content. We want you to love learning and dedicate time every week towards picking up new skills independently!

Streamlined Curriculum
We know how important it is to always start with the best materials. High-quality curriculum has always been a hallmark of RQM. Practically everyone (our community partners, customers, and students) knows how good our curriculum is. It is absolutely essential that curriculum assets are engaging, instructive, and comprehensive. Our materials meet that mark, and we’re excited to be providing much of it online for the very first time.